Saturday, August 31, 2019

How to Do Business Like the Mafia: the Italian and American Mafia’s Role in Businesses Essay

Since the Mafia’s appearance in the 1800’s, these Italian criminal societies have infiltrated the economic and social realms of Italy and now play a large role in many countries throughout the world. Today the Mafia is considered one of the most notorious and widespread criminal organizations that has ever existed. The most prominent parts of the world that the Mafia exists are in Italy and America where they play a large role in these countries economies, most notably through their control of small and large businesses. Just like the origin of the word mafia, the history of Sicily, which is considered the birthplace of the Mafia, and its relationship with this organization, is very unique. Because of its geographic location, Sicily has always been a desirable location for trade and colonization. Generally speaking, the mafia is thought of as an Italian secret crime society, but the origins of the Mafia start way before the introduction and use of automatic weapons and illegal drugs. It was born long before it was given its name, through a long historical process in which the administration of justice was extremely fragmented and corrupt, guaranteeing impunity to the criminals. In a time of hardship and poverty, the Mafia began as a way of life: a way to protect one’s family and loved ones from the injustice of the government. Sicily’s violent and oppressive government history and its numerous corrupt and inconsistent rulers, especially regarding their justice system, fostered an atmosphere of self-reliance and cooperation among the Italian people. Through fear, inspired by threats and violence and supported by an organization of family and friends, the Mafia was able to gain and maintain this reliance and respect. It is important to acknowledge the origin of the Mafia because it is through these institutions and social structures that the Mafia was able to gain an immense amount of power and thus control businesses around the world today. In 241 BC the Romans gained control over Sicily in the first Punic War. The Romans introduced the economic and social system called the Latifundia, which created a hierarchy of people and a system of taxation that would be central to Sicily’s economy until Italian unification in 1861. Although the Roman’s actions in Sicily have no direct influence in the creation of the Mafia, they did set up the social structure of hierarchy from which the Mafia would emerge and eventually control areas of land and inadvertently control a large part of the Italian economy. In 826 the Roman Empire fell to the Arabs who brought an important aspect of life to the Sicilian people that would eventually become part of the Mafia culture; internal justice. Instead of having a system of authorities to deal with crime and misconduct, they used personal and internal justice to avenge crimes and set records straight in order to keep their businesses under their own control. The Normans were the next group to annex Sicily in the 11th century and they greatly magnified the feudal structure established by the Romans. The Spanish conquered Sicily in 1500 and they are considered the longest and most important foreign presence in Sicily. The Sicilian people were not represented by the government and eventually organized into guilds that acted as a judicial system. These guilds were unlike other European guilds and took care of their problems internally and did not include state or local authority. Internal justice led by these guilds was another step towards the formation of the Mafia (Servadio). In the late 1500’s and the early 1600’s Sicily’s feudal system went through some administrative changes. In the early 1600’s large landholders in Sicily lived in Palermo, handing over the command of their estates to estate managers called gabelloti. Appointed by the landlord, these men who were usually already prominent and respected within their region could use their power to control the people who inhabited the land. The use of the gabelloti continued through a succession of leaders and became the principle method of rule. The gabelloti, using the power given to them by the landlord, began to create entourages consisting of uomo di fiducia. The uomo di fiducia served as tax ollectors, and they had direct contact with the people. They were accompanied by campieri who were armed forces that kept the peace through fear. The emergence of these new groups also marks the creation of the middle class in Sicily, and from the middle class emerged the Mafia. All members of the Sicilian middle class used dissident tactics to gain power and money. Middlemen exploited peasants for money, artists kept people out of guilds to perpetuate their own success, and magistrates and attorneys delayed cases in an already twisted legal system. During the late 1700’s and early 1800’s these separate but powerful groups started to make contacts with each other. In addition to befriending each other, they also befriended local and regional magistrates. It is clear that as these groups began to unite themselves with the government to become a stronger and more formidable force in Sicily’s justice system, they were also gaining political ties that would allow them to carry out their business without interaction from the authorities (Servadio). Sicily’s long history with multiple judicially inept governments led to the creation and necessity of the Mafia. The Mafia was able to give people the business and protection that they not only wanted, but needed. These corrupt government institutions fostered an environment where those who were clever enough could manipulate the system to their advantage creating wealth, power and prestige through the exploitation of land, peasants and political officials in Italy as well as America. The Mafia was never just a group of gangsters, even from the beginning. There were those who carried out the dirty work, but the leaders, known as the godfathers, were often more political and business thinkers than gangsters. The Mafia used their power, gained through fear, to not only exploit the landowners and peasants but also used their political ties to carry on illegal activities without problems from local or state authorities. As the Mafia gained power and influence over the various regions and government officials, these illegal activities would expand greatly, inadvertently increasing their overall control as an organization. By the 1900’s the Mafia had become a very powerful and widespread organization throughout Italy despite an extensive amount unemployment and overty that permeated not only Sicily, but the rest of Europe as well. This is still true to this day when many countries around the world are suffering economically, the Mafia manages to stay afloat and even increase their success. Many underprivileged Italians began to immigrate to America to find better jobs to support their families. This is also when the Mafia formally entered America and began to set up small organizations throughout the country. By 1922 Mussolini and Fascism had taken a firm grip on Italy and began to crack down on the Mafia, either sending them to prison or assassinating them. Mussolini assigned Cesare Mori prefect of Italy in order for him to defeat the Mafia. Prefect Mori wanted to bring Sicily under control of the state so he suspended their rights, humiliated and arrested them and took women and children hostage in order to force the Mafia to surrender. Mussolini’s wrath pushed more and more Mafiosi out of Italy and into America (Servadio). The Mafiosi originally settled in large cities, like Chicago and New York, where industry was predominant and there were opportunities for crime, fraud and racketeering everywhere. Initially the American Mafia gangs focused primarily on â€Å"protection rackets†, but with the coming of Prohibition they began to expand to gambling, bootlegging and prostitution. It is in these fields that the American Mafia became enormously wealthy and powerful. One of the main reasons the Mafia in Italy, as well as America, has been so successful is due to its influence and heavy involvement in businesses around the world. These businesses allowed the Mafia to maintain a powerful presence in various regions by exploiting landowners, construction companies and other lucrative industries, such as drug trafficking, through fear. Despite the global recession that hit Europe in 2009, the Mafia was the one business that continued to thrive during this lean economic time. The Italian Mafia’s revenue for 2008 jumped 40 percent and sales increased to 130 billion Euros, or $167 billion, up from 90 billion Euros in 2007 according to figures supplied by Eurispes and SOS impresa (Harwood). Over the past 50 years, the main source of revenue for the Mafia has been drug trafficking, which brings in around 59 billion Euros a year (Harwood). â€Å"Studies show the criminal market never suffers during a crisis,† says Roberto Saviano, author of the best-selling book Gomorrah, the story of the Camorra crime bosses. â€Å"I’m convinced that this crisis is bringing huge advantages to criminal syndicates† (Harwood). The Italian mafia also relies on its â€Å"tried and true profit generating scheme: the protection racket† (Harwood). It is estimated that the mafia takes away over 6 percent of Italy’s Gross Domestic Product, GDP, through extortion. That’s 92 billion Euros a year, 250 million Euros a day, and 10 million Euros an hour (Harwood). Crime organizations have never been more powerful or more profitable. A small-business association called Confesercenti estimates that the Mafia collected revenues of â‚ ¬90 billion, $128 billion, in 2006, a sum equivalent to 7 percent of Italy’s GDP indicating that the Mafia’s influence as well as success continues to increase (Harwood). The Mafia does not only focus on exploiting businesses and trafficking drugs in Italy but has also extended its power to the UK; British cities are key locations in the Mafia’s vital money-laundering operations (Kington). In December of 2009, a British gambling company known as Paradise Bet Ltd was suspended when Italian police froze its assets. This action was an attempt by the Italian police to break up a Mafia clan who was in control of this company; members were accused of drug smuggling, money laundering and attempted murder. In an operation code-named â€Å"Domino†, police raids seized 227 properties, 680 bank accounts, 61 luxury cars, nine stables, 71 horses and 35 businesses said to be worth ? 200 million (Kington). Members of the Secondigliano Alliance, which is a group within the Camorra, are suspected of owning shops in London that turn out fake designer goods and act as hideouts for fugitives and fronts for drug trafficking. These are two prime examples of the Mafia’s control and dominance over businesses, land and other profitable assets. In 2000 it was reported that the Mafia controlled one in five business in Italy. Their profits were being invested in real estate, clinics, retirement homes, supermarkets, hotels and restaurants. The fortunes made by the mafia through these exploitations would be enough to pay off the public debt (BBC News) By obtaining power over these types of businesses the Mafia eventually gains authority over entire areas and even regions. The Mafia is notorious for gaining control of institutions by using a mixture of bribery and fear, and then murdering those that cross them. Control over businesses is the main reason why the Mafia is able to maintain its income as well as overall power. The Mafia uses discreet tactics to acquire land and businesses so they do not attract attention from authorities. By owning a group of small companies or even a restaurant, the Mafia is able to exploit money from them without being obvious, adding to the reasons why the inner workings of the Mafia are so secretive. Francesco Forgione, Italy’s leading expert in organized crime describes how the Nadrangheta’s Fazzari clan has two suspected members that are buying up property in London’s Wed End district. They have yet to kill but are instead investing in property and other companies to gain control over various areas in this region (Kington). Another example of the Mafia’s role in business is Antonio La Torre, a Camorra boss, who was arrested in 2005 for setting up a small commercial empire as a money-laundering operation in Aberdeen. This business included an olive oil and prosciutto-importing company and restaurant that offered jobs to Neapolitans (Harwood). It is here that you can see that the Mafia does not always resort to drug trafficking but is able to gain the same amount of power and money through what seem like legitimate businesses in order to cover up their corrupt actions. Recently, the Italian Mafia has also begun to infiltrate the wind farm business. Known in parts of Italy as â€Å"Lords of the Wind† the Mafia now owns many wind farms in Sicilian mob strongholds like Corleone (Schwartz). The reasoning behind this sudden takeover is quite simple; the power from wind farms is sold at a high rate because of generous government subsidies intended to expand the renewable energy sector. With 30 wind farms already built in Sicily and another 60 on the way, it is suspected that the Mafia will eventually control many of them. Not all 30 wind farms are owned by the Mafia but many are and locals are afraid to do anything to combat this issue, thus exemplifying the Mafia’s ability to maintain their influence and control over businesses through fear. Green energy could be the next big company that becomes a casualty of the Mafia’s criminal activity (Schwartz). Once the Mafia began to arrive in American in the 1920’s, it became clear that their initial business ventures were different from that of their homeland. Many who fled here in the early 1920’s helped establish what is known today as La Cosa Nostra or the American Mafia. Learning from their organizations back in Italy, the traditions of the Sicilian â€Å"honored society,† which absolutely forbade involvement in either narcotics or prostitution, the Mafia left the eroin business to the powerful Jewish gangsters who dominated organized crime in the 1920’s (Servadio). The Mafia was content with the substantial profits to be gained from controlling the bootleg liquor industry. By the 1920’s The United States and the provinces within Canada had adopted prohibition. It was during that era that North America gave birth to some of the largest crime syndicates, most vicious criminals, and mafia leaders. For the Mafia, prohibition meant employment, easy money and control over businesses and the people. The tainted money, prostitution, extortion and other criminal rackets did not make nearly as much money in comparison to the intake from bootlegging. Prohibition created an atmosphere that allowed crime to flourish; an atmosphere, which the mafia exploited and used to gain control over the people, businesses and subsequent regions of the United States. Prohibition was the first step that allowed the American Mafia to gain control over one of the most lucrative business America had ever seen. The leader of this Mafioso movement was Salvatore C. Luciana, known to the world as Charles â€Å"Lucky† Luciano. Lucky pioneered organizational techniques that are still the basis of organized crime today and forged an alliance between the Mafia and prominent Jewish gangs that has survived for almost 40 years. With the end of Prohibition in sight, Luciano made the decision to take the Mafia into the profitable prostitution and heroin rackets. This decision was determined more by financial considerations than anything else. The dominance of the Mafia over its Jewish and Irish rivals was built on its success in illegal distilling and rum running. Its continued supremacy, which Luciano hoped to maintain through superior organization and business, could only be sustained by developing new sources of income; drug trafficking (Servadio). Heroin was an attractive substitute to illegal distilling because it had recently become illegal. This in turn left a large market that could be easily exploited and expanded. Although heroin addicts in no way compared with drinkers in numbers, heroin profits could be just as significant: heroin’s light weight made it less expensive to smuggle than liquor, and its limited number of sources made it more easy to monopolize. Although illegal, this was a smart business venture for the American Mafia and enabled them to control a significant part of the liquor and drug trafficking business. Heroin, moreover, complemented Luciano’s and subsequently the Cosa Nostra’s other new business venture: the organization of a prostitution ring. Luciano found that addicting his prostitutes to heroin kept them quiet, steady workers, with a habit that could only be funded by this occupation. This also forced many small-time pimps out of business. By 1935 Luciano controlled 200 New York City brothels with twelve hundred prostitutes, providing him with an estimated income of more than $10 million a year (Servadio). Supplemented by growing profits from gambling and the labor movement, The Cosa Nostra was once again on a secure financial footing due to their influence and involvement with profitable and productive business ventures such as alcohol and drug trafficking as well as prostitution; they acknowledges what the people wanted and provided them with a service they would be unable to find anywhere else thus monopolizing that specific industry. It is clear that the Mafia has not only infiltrated the business of Italy but America as well and through these institution it has remained a dominant part of these societies. Although illegal in many aspects, the business ventures that Mafia undertake are incredibly lucrative and give them the opportunity to expand their organization on a large scale. Although governments are taking significant action in combating the Mafia, they continue to grow and dominate the economies of many societies to this day.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Technological Adaptation On Hospital Standards Health And Social Care Essay

IntroductionHospital is one of the most of import and fast growth industry. It is the most of import service for the populace. Many organisations are working as in private or publicly ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . Health governments by the authoritiess and United Nation are working to look after for the criterions and process ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . The regulations are so rigorous for the wellness attention services it straight deals with the life of the patient ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The regulative governments do proper checking and guarantee the quality of the service provided to the patients. The safety safeguards are really high ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The wellness factors are impacting people to endure from their lives more and more. Health attention services include the infirmaries, pharmaceutical companies, ambulance services, and every step to salvage the human life ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . Human life is the cherished gift by the GOD which needs exceptional attention and attending. There is nil more cherished than the life a human being so the governments do non compromise on the service quality ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The wellness service suppliers need invention in the industry as to be cost effectual and efficient ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The uninterrupted and effectual betterment is needed in term of service quality and safety step ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . Patient attention is become mandatory as the diseases affect the human life severely ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The attendant alterations are required in wellness installations particularly in infirmaries and services drive from it ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The schemes and scrutinies demands to be done on uninterrupted footing to travel towards more inventions and engineering promotion ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The progress in engineering will non merely impact the cost of the intervention but besides the effectivity of the intervention will travel more positive. IT and the technological promotion have rolled all over the Earth ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The researches and the experiments are been on uninterrupted footing t o travel towards more effectual and efficient interventions ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . Hospital and Hospital direction is one of those Fieldss where IT has taken another measure and rush and has added a batch to the medical promotion which has assisted in a figure of interventions that were antecedently thought to be impossible ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . Hospitals were non more focus towards the computerized systems and database. The computing machines and IT were ab initio merely restricted to disposal section of the infirmary to keep the direction. Even the information was maintained in the manus written registry book which can be harm and the information is non unafraid ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . With the promotion of the engineering, the infirmaries are now equipped with fiscal be aftering which helps the infirmaries to command the finance, budgeting which helps the infirmary to command the cost and advanced medical equipment which helps the infirmaries for more effectual and efficient interventions ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The IHMS package assists the infirmary in patient wellness attention and disposal ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . It helps the infirmaries to keep an up to day of the month services provided to the patient and the direction issues of the infirmary ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . These package non merely salvage the c ost but besides secure the information which is really of import in term of patient`s life ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The aims of the survey are to measure the IT alterations and promotions in Skoulnong General Hospital, the behavior towards engineering version and the impact of IT on the patient attention services ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The cost of supplying the high quality services as comparison to the client satisfaction is negligible ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . When it comes to wellness issues the money non affairs. Health is more of import than the money ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The engineering promotion made the intervention cost lower which is good for the economic system every bit good. The infirmaries require up to day of the month electronic medical record of the patients which helps the infirmaries to be less dependent on the medical staff ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . In instance the staff gets absent the infirmary direction can easy manage the patient with the aid of alternate staff ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The direction issues of the infirmary can be sorted out as the computerized sign-out systems will keep the staff clip in and clip out. The computerized system will keep the intervention, medicines, and job of the patients to be to the full integrated ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . Harmonizing to Bowers and Lutz ( 2000 ) , the third degree or service sectors are labour intensive establishments. There is wastage of the cherished clip on the certification and other filing procedure done by the medical staff. The IT and standard processs allows the infirmaries to hold an entree of the intranet that can do the information readily available ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The planetary sphere is concentrating on the client satisfaction as client is the most of import factor of the concern and IT has shown important consequences in accomplishing positive consequences ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . The purpose of this survey is to measure the technological promotion and its impacts on the infirmary attention services at Skoulnong General Hospital. The survey would imply in deepness about the different technological alterations that this selected infirmary has taken into consideration and due to which their infirmary criterions were affected excessively ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) .IHMSThe wellness attention installations are turning and there is more focal point on the quality of wellness attention systems ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . This focal point shows the fast increasing technological alteration in wellness attention installations and edification of modern methods of patient intervention ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The increasing quality and engineering is been viewed as a important platform of answerability and intensive attention from the policy shapers in the private and public sectors. The alteration is needed as the conditions are altering ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The diseases and the illness of the people are increasing due to many environmental factors. The infirmaries need to be effectual and attendant in intervention and which can merely be achieved through engineering inventions ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . IHMS package has been developed to assist the infirmaries in bettering their public presentation with the aid of comprehensive package so lution ( Burden, 2002 ) . The package helps the infirmary in every facet to run and keep the criterions of working. The engineering helps the infirmary to make proper checking and controlling of the staff, histories, and ailments by the clients ( Burden, 2002 ) . The package cost much to the infirmaries but helps in effectivity in accomplishing more end products ( Burden, 2002 ) . The staff is able to work without package. But the engineering promotion forces the infirmaries to put in such package to work more expeditiously and efficaciously ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . Harmonizing to Grimes ( 2003 ) , the IHMS package used in the infirmaries have two basic manners of operations such as patient attention sphere and administrative sphere. The patient attention sector of the IHMS includes out-patient charge which helps the infirmary direction to keep the charge history and computerized records of history which non merely helps to better the client attention but besides help in decrease of frauds ( Burden, 2002 ) . The medical history of the patient is besides been computerized which helps the infirmary to keep a proper record of the intervention and in instance the staff is non present the alternate staff can execute the responsibilities on their behalf ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . This will assist the infirmary to maintain a balance in the intervention of the patient and safety of the record ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . This package includes more in term of in-patient discharge, ward direction, in-patient admittance, Out-patient enrollment, medical recor ds, referral patient direction, assignment, patient flow direction, operation theatre direction, medical record trailing, and in-patient reserve ( Burden, 2002 ) . All the informations related to information about the patient and issues of infirmary are keeping through computerized informations ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . It improves the patient satisfaction and a good feeling towards infirmary and intervention ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The administrative sphere entails intranet, material direction, standard fiscal, and community outreach. The ISMS package is extremely flexible and can be easy customized to the dynamic demands of the infirmaries ( Burden, 2002 ) . It helps the disposal to keep a web nexus between the all computing machines of the infirmary and a database which safe all the information. Through this system the information of the direction and patient attention is safe over the paper work which staff demands to make ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . The paper work non merely waste the cherished clip of the medical staff but besides impropriety and hazard in keeping the records. The package is besides self operative and increases the efficiency of the client related questions ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The charge and reserves on clip increases the client satisfaction and the infirmary generates large grosss from it ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . In instance of the manual records the patient have to wait for th e question reply as the staff needs to happen the file of the client than cheque for the record ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . It non merely blow the clip of the staff but besides makes the client uncomfortable. Customer wants importance and fast service which non merely do a good image of the organisation but besides satisfaction towards service ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . Crow, Storey, and Page ( 2003 ) articulated that the IHMS maintain the information of the patients from the information of admittance to the discharge and supply the relevant and filtered information refering to the demand of the medical staff. Information engineering standardized the patient flow with the same criterions and processs, work flow and other activities within the infirmary ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The standard process takes less clip and hence, diminish the clip consumed by the disposal section ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The consumers are satisfied with the efficiency of the infirmary and gives rise to augmented client satisfaction ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . The engineering promotion increases the cost for the infirmary but it has least of import than the client satisfaction ( Grimes, 2003 ) . Customer is the key for any concern because the concern operates for the client and concern is useless without clients ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) .The client satisfaction and technolog ical versionThe intent of the concern is to bring forth net income and the intent of the non net income organisations is to supply thee better attention to the general populace. Health sector includes the both private and public organisation to function the clients ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . Private wellness sector organisations are more focus towards net incomes but the public wellness sector organisations are owned by the authorities which is runing to give the purchase to the client ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . For both type of organisations client is needed to maintain the flow of the operations. The client for the infirmaries is the patient who suffers from unwellness and hurts ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . Hospitals belong to service industry in which the manufacturer and the terminal user communicate straight ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The mission and vision of the organisations is to better the service quality and convey invention to fulfill the client ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The success factors of any concern depend on the customeraa‚Â ¬a„?s satisfaction and the sensed image of the organisation ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . Customer satisfaction may be defined as the positive feedback after buying the merchandise or service ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The quality of the service is really of import and the government organic structures are keeping and commanding the quality ( Freil et al. , 2005 ) . The rigorous actions can be taken against the medical service suppliers in instance the quality of the intervention or the factors drive from it are with lower quality ( Freil et al. , 2005 ) . The client satisfaction helps the organisation to do the loyal clients ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . The competition is really high in every industry particularly in service industry ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . Hospital is the most of import sector of any state because the life is really cherished. In infirmary industry the patients are more comfy with the medical staff as it is the critical issue for the patient life ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The patient feels comfy because the medical staff with whom they are acquiring the intervention knows them good, and knows the medical history of the patient ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . In instance the same medical staffs are non found by the patient, the patient does experience uncomfortable by acquiring the intervention from the alternate staff ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . If the client gets satisfied the client will go the loyal client and come to the same infirmary whenever they feel ill. Patients do prefer to travel to their household physicians a s an apprehension has been developed with them ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The staffs of the infirmary are really of import for client satisfaction ( Grimes, 2003 ) . The medical staff should be good educated and good train as a minor error can harm the patient ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . The technological invention brings the flawlessness in interventions and improves the quality of services ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The promotion in the engineering helps the infirmaries to utilize more effectual and efficient ways to name the disease and get down the intervention. Harmonizing o Crow, Storey, and Page ( 2003 ) , the technological acceptance by the infirmaries has shown important positive consequence. This new progress package can be used in any section and require input from the staff and nowadays the consequence in extremely organized and customized signifiers ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The size of the infirmaries is irrelevant to the new engineering and medical equipment. The progress equipment helps the infirmaries to handle the patient with intensive attention ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . It can be used by infirmaries and medical institute of all sizes with comprehensive package and dearly-won machines ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The new advanced machines help the infirmaries to distinguish them from the rivals as the competition in the industry is really high ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . These machines help the physicians to indentify the patient disease in short period of clip ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . The infirmaries must be without noise as it disturbs the patient ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The ill patient demands to rest more in peace and unagitated environment. The designation of disease is the first phase to get down the intervention ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The advanced electronic devices help the infirmary direction to cut down the noise. Hospitals are public topographic points where any accident can go on ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The safety step should be taken to minimise the hazard of accidents. The fire alarms or exigency systems help to contend with the catastrophe state of affairss ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The proclamations and messages help to better the commuting procedure ( Solbe rg et al. , 2008 ) . The computerized printed paperss are easy to read instead than the human authorship. Comprehensive package is needed for the infirmaries that have 25-30 admittance and dispatch a twenty-four hours otherwise a trim and little package is necessary for the infirmaries ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) .The benefits of IT and technological acceptance to the infirmariesThe benefits of engineering promotion are high which forces the infirmaries to follow the engineering ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The package shops the informations from all the section and offices of the infirmary on one portal. The information stored is merely presented and stored in one format which is easy clear and accessible at the exigency state of affairss ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . It helps the infirmary to pull off the informations and procure it from amendss. Arbors and Lutz ( 2000 ) acknowledged that the clients are pleased with the use of hi-tech package because it decreases their clip in certifi cation procedure and provides alleviation by utilizing easy accessible medical history. The handiness helps the direction to dependent on the medical staff least. The infirmary information is helpful to place the state of affairs of the patient and future executions ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . The clients do non hold to wait in waiting line and their clip is save which readily consequences into the client satisfaction ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . The engineering promotion helps the infirmaries to better their public presentation with the aid of effectual package. The cost of the package is high with the effectivity ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . This package cost much to the infirmaries and the staff is able to work without package. But the engineering promotion forces the infirmaries to put in such package to work more expeditiously and efficaciously ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . The engineering promotion helps the direction to cut down the clip of the service bringing ( Snella et al. , 2004 ) . The infirmary develops the standard papers and format readily available on the intranet of the infirmary and hence the error opportunities are reduced. Grimes ( 2003 ) asserted that the staff enters the information with great ardor and concentration merely one time and so it can be retrieve easy on all the visits of the patients ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The patients are besides pleased with the public presentation of the infirmaries and do non hold to transport their old studies and medical histories once more and once more ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The engineering betterments in medical equipment, stock list direction and helps the infirmaries to handle the patient in effectual mode ( Bowers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . The effectivity leads towards the better terminal consequence. The efficiency might acquire affected as the technological alteration has the high cost ( Bow ers & A ; Lutz, 2000 ) . The human life is more of import than the cost of the intervention because the effectual intervention will do the patient acquire rid of the diseases and live a healthy life ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The of import force is the ambulance by which the patient is been transfer to the infirmary ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . The ambulance is the running infirmary which should be to the full equipped with the latest machines and tools which helps the ambulance crew to assist the patient in exigency state of affairs. In instance of accidents the patient needs pressing intervention without the wastage of clip. The ambulance helps in catastrophe by supplying initial medical intervention to the patients ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . The version of new techniques to handle the patient is good to fulfill the client ( Kim et al. , 2010 ) . The benefits of the information engineering are it reduces the clip of the overall intervention. It besides helps the infirmary to distinguish them from rivals and give them an border over rivals ( Machado et al. , ( 2007 ) . The advanced machines and tools help the physician to place the disease of the patient efficaciously without blowing much clip ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The short diagnostic clip helps the physicians to get down the intervention foremost. The infirmary should be to the full equipped to cover with any sort of state of affairs and disease. The infirmaries are public topographic points with noisy environment ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The advanced engineering tools help the infirmary direction to command the noise as the patient needs unagitated and peaceable environment to rest ( Machado et al. , 2007 ) . Fire dismaies and technological safety step helps th e infirmary to cut down the hazard of uncertainness ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . The fire alarms or exigency systems help to contend with the catastrophe state of affairss. The effectual communicating helps to better the public presentation of the organisation. The information engineering helps to work decently with proper certification and computerized informations ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The information is unafraid in computerized systems than the manus written paperss. It saves the clip of direction and improves efficiency ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The progress engineering helps the infirmary to keep the stock list degrees, and the in and out of the infirmary. Inventory direction system is the most of import factor which helps the infirmary to keep a good criterion and quality of service ( Machado et al. , 2007 ) . The stock list system includes the medical specialty stock list, tools, and other equipment needed. The benefit of the stock list direction system is to command the stock list before the deficit ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The medical specialty should be in adequate measure to carry through the demand in exigency instances. The stock list direction package helps the provider to look into the measure and supply it when itaa‚Â ¬a„?s needed ( Machado et al. , 2007 ) . The engineering promotion besides affects the medical specialty quality and uninterrupted invention in the production criterions ( Grimes, 2003 ) . The medical specialty is the tool which is used by the infirmaries and other wellness installations centres to bring around the disease of the patient ( Freil et al. , 2005 ) . Patient satisfaction is depended on the stableness in the wellness of the patient which is the terminal consequence of the whole procedure done in the infirmary ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . If the behaviour and experience of the patient is non good with the infirmary but the terminal consequence is the stableness in the wellness, the patient will be still satisfied ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . The invention and uninterrupted betterment in the medical specialty quality is because of the engineering quality besides due to the invention in the engineering ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) .IT, infirmary criterions, and employee satisfactionHarmonizing to Crow, Storey and Page ( 2003 ) , the turning accent on the client satisfaction has allowed the infirmaries to put in the IT undertakings for better quality of the services. The environment of the infirmary should be contributing to the client satisfaction and supply every easiness to diminish the manual procedure ( Crow et al. , 2003 ) . The infirmaries should develop long term relationship with their clients and non burthen them with the procedure direction. The value and self-respect of the patients should be mai ntained or enhanced by guaranting the criterions processs ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . A usher should be presented before the patients in that a detail process should be presented for the admittance and discharge procedure. The employee plays a critical function in the public presentation of the infirmary ( Solberg et al. , 2008 ) . The public presentation of the infirmary depends on the employeeaa‚Â ¬a„?s public presentation and their behaviour ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . Employees are the 1 who deals straight with the clients and handle them. Employee satisfaction comes from the working conditions and motivational factors provided by the direction ( Grimes, 2003 ) . If the employee is satisfied from the occupation, their public presentation will be high which impact the organisations public presentation positively ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . Employees are the pillars of the organisation and particularly in service industry in which the employees are the one straight pass oning with the clients ( Murawski et al. , 2011 ) . The infirmary criterions maintain the gait of the procedure fast and present the high quality services ( Freil et al. , 2005 ) . The efficiency and effectivity of the infirmary decidedly leaves a positive impact on the client which is the ultimate net income and success for staff and infirmary both ( World Healthcare Congress, 2009 ) . The criterion and process must be followed by the infirmaries which are design by the wellness section of the state ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . The regulative governments are guaranting the policies and criterions are been followed. In instance any mis-management happened the rigorous action should be taken against the infirmary ( Edlund et al. , 2003 ) . The new construct is been introduced as the universe as a planetary small town through which the United Nation organisations are involved to look into the quality and the tools and the medical specialty given to the patients ( Freil et al. , 2005 ) .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Education Is Life Iself

EDUCATION IS LIFE ITSELF Once John Dewey said, â€Å"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. † It is quite difficult, even impossible to contend for the statement. We should clearly understand that education is a long process which lasts for the whole life. More than that life is the best teacher we might ever have. In other words, we can denote that we live educating ourselves and educate ourselves for living. First of all, it is interesting to note that the notions â€Å"education† and â€Å"life† can be regarded as identical ones. The matter is that speaking about education we keep in mind that it is not just a period of life but a lifelong process of learning. As Albert Einstein once noticed, â€Å"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at growth. † Keeping to the point it should be also mentioned that education can be given and taken anywhere – at school, university or home. It doesn’t matter. However, there is no better teacher than life itself. Nobody can dispute it. People learn much deeper and more effectively through their own actions and mistakes. Life motivates, directs, controls and evaluates us. Life teaches us. What is more important, life is always fair towards us. That is why we consider life to be the best teacher. To sum up, it should be said that every person has his own attitude towards education. For some people education seems to be an obligation, even a burden, for others it is the meaning of life, for the rest it can be a means to achieve some higher goals†¦ but there is no doubt, education is the most powerful tool that has a certain impact on our lives. The other question is how to use this tool. Nukhayeva Kamila

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Development of Tourism Industry in the UK Essay

Development of Tourism Industry in the UK - Essay Example This essay provides a concise overview of the tourism and travel industry performance in the UK during last decade. The economic state of tourism sector of the UK is deemed healthy with perspective of a steady growth. The income from the industry is incomparable. The joblessness rate has greatly declined with many people absorbed in the industry Since the Second World War, there have been a lot of developments in this industry. Application of the computerized reservation systems led to increase of tourists, visiting the UK Prior to the technology, a lot of travelers mainly depended on pen and paper to transact business deals. However, in early 1990s, attitudes changed. Technological advancements captured the attention of the world market. Few people could access facilities and enjoy them to their satisfaction. The data released by the government via the Global Distribution Systems have showed significant growth in the industry. In 1989, the country had recorded 5 million tourists per annum as compared to 29.6 million in 2010. The development of the jet engine was invented after the Second World War. The advancement brought dramatic changes; although in 1958, the number of travelers per flight was restricted. In early 1970s, jets started ferrying more passengers thus making flight charges low and increasing the profits. This enhanced the growth of the industry significantly during this period. For the last twenty years, the tour operators have developed new packages to accommodate the needs of the new travelers . When compared to early 1950s, tourism has evolved significantly (Holland, 2011). The industry has fully adopted modernization and its structures to enhance its growth. Natural calamities Most countries depend on tourism to earn foreign exchange into the country. However, natural calamities like prolonged drought, tsunamis, earthquakes, floods and hurricanes may gradually change the face of tourism industry. Tourism acts as a source of employment to many people. Some are employed as rangers, tour guides and others in the hospitality sectors. If the number of tourists decline due to natural disasters, people will be affected, and in turn the country becomes broke. Therefore, if tourists don’t come, a lot of pressure will be put on the economy (Smith & ?Ann, 2007). Normally, tourists want to avoid risk places and enjoy themselves in peaceful sites. In general, natural disasters have the following effects: i. Reduced number of tourists visiting the country ii. Low business set u ps due to lack of enough money generated in tourism. This will result in closure of business and loss of jobs iii. Increase in rate of unemployment especially in disaster affected areas iv. Increase in government expenditure due to insufficient money generated through taxations. From the above effects, it is clear that natural calamities affect the country’s economic development. Although it is not possible to eliminate them fully, their severity can be reduced. If nothing is done, the growth of the industry may stagnate if not decline in future. This means a lot in the economic trend. Fall in sales volumes Most of the tourist firms in the UK have of late experienced low sales volumes. For instance, Tui Travel, which is one of the companies that provides tourism services, recorded a 35% decline in its sales for the first quarter of the previous financial year (Smith, 2010). This was mainly due to cut in number of tourists traversing the country. Most of the people are more in terdependent so they book online which saves them money. Furthermore, most of the people have no plan of spending their holidays far from their homes. This reduces the volume of sales of tourist industries. Fall in sales volumes reflects low income in the affected industry, hence affecting its employees. This also means that the government will not get enough revenue from the same industry. High Cost of vacations Tourists traverse all over the world enjoying their beautiful sceneries and wildlife. In their tour, they spend their time in hotels and other special vacations. Accommodations

Business Communication Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business Communication Writing - Assignment Example It is of the essence for one to record whichever thoughts we have on these steps such that by the time you start working on the writing, you would not have forgotten your thoughts on these steps. It might look like cutting out some steps to make one of them actually more efficient and saving time. However, contrary to this belief, the first few steps are the most crucial since they give a writer a clear frame of mind of what you are about to say. Â  Planning messages saves time and improves efficiency, though some writers argue that it is all a waste of time since the plans are inevitably changed. Your answer to this argument is indeed correct since first and foremost planning helps the writer to know what to say in the write-up. Secondly, planning makes the actual writing of any paper much faster and easier since one can better allow the time to take for each step of the writing process. Lastly, through planning, the time saved in writing can be used to complete the documents by revising or proofreading.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Autogenic training and stress management strategies Essay

Autogenic training and stress management strategies - Essay Example The effectiveness of the technique and its popularity in the modern age are also the part of the paper under discussion. Before embarking upon the topic under study, it would be appropriate to define some terms used in the present paper. Psychoanalysis: Psychoanalysis is a method for the investigation of mental processes inaccessible by other means. At the same time, psychoanalysis is also a therapeutic method for neurotic disorders. ( In other words, psychoanalysis simply means application of an in-depth analysis of human mind and emotions which are helpful in exploring fears, dreams, wishes and anxieties hidden in his subconscious. Stress: Stress is the bodys response to any demand or pressure. (Smith & Pergola). In other words, stress is the reaction of any unpleasant load out of fear and anxiety that tells upon mind and body resulting into imbalance and uneven mental condition of the individual. Mental unevenness paves the way towards physical sickness and ailment. Strategy: Strategy is the term that signifies policy making and planning in order to achieve some specific goals. It serves as a guideline while solving the problems and meeting with the goals. Similarly, therapeutic strategic management defines the systematic way of managing the outline leading towards ultimate relaxation free from mental and physical stress and retardations. The contemporary world is the world of explorations and scientific revolutions in all professional fields, which has introduced various methods and procedures to make life more and more comfortable and relaxed one. Professionalism in every department and inclusion of specialists in all areas has provided the individuals with opportunities of broad and comprehensive counseling related to both their private and professional life. The services of experienced professionals are sought out for

Monday, August 26, 2019

Review of three political classic film Research Paper

Review of three political classic film - Research Paper Example With the fall of Berlin Wall, Capitalism had been advanced in East Berlin and Alex becomes unemployed only to meet Denis Domaschke, a filmmaker who becomes his ally. Christiane recuperates after eight months in grave health still traumatised from the events that she had faced. To protect her mother, Alex attempts to conceal the newly presented unjust Germany from her mother who had been emotionally affected. Christiane had been the victim in the movie who underwent a series of tragedies after her husband abandons her. Ariane, Alex and his girlfriend Lara had formulated the plan to conceal the changes that had occurred in the government into a dictatorial regime, when they had confined her to her bedroom. East Germany had been connected with the West on the fall of the Berlin wall, and capitalism shaping the society that the families dominated (Becker, 2003). The movie depicts the contradiction of the expected life by personalities like Alex who experienced an oppressive society after advocating for the demolition of the Berlin wall. The unity in the two regions had been presented in the movie using Christiane who died after the official reunification of Germany (Becker, 2003). Western Germany had been considered the venue that presented more challenges to individuals and Christiane evaded transporting his children to the state joining, the Socialists to offer protection to her family. Even with the unity, variable rules are still prohibited, and the family has to break the law in spreading Christiane’s ashes in the wind. The battle of Algiers 1966 The movie had been created to suggest the tension that had existed between Algerians and the French in the quest to articulate justice. This action had been the norm presented in the nations that had the desire to achieve self-governance and liberation. However, with the dominant nations, the challenge presented had been in the expertise and the skills available to achieve the witnessed victory. The Algerians h ad opted to use massive tactics and bombs as compared to the ruling French who included torture as a means in exerting their dominance. The events in the story are told through the memory of Ali, who had been a key member within the Algerian Front de Liberation Nationale (FLN). He had been captured in 1957 following the attempt by the French to impose their rule (Pontecorvo, 1996). Earlier, Ali who had been a criminal within his society joined the group in the attempt to obtain liberalization. The rebel groups formed led to a national movement that saw unity developed in the attempt to rid the foreign rule. The majority of the casualty had been French police officers that saw retaliation of the massive massacre of Algerians. The events led to revenge killings that summed in Colonel Mathieu leading the efforts to destroy NFL. Ali remained the last NFL member to be captured, and he had been assassinated after the flashback. The NFL efforts had been noticed in 1962, when Algerians mana ged to be self governed. Dr. Stangelove The movie suggest the bureaucracy that had existed within the United States and the Soviet Union with the inclusion of the nuclear technology. The commanding General, Jack Ripper ordered his B52 squad to overturn the agreement and attack the Soviet Union. The events see the General protect the base through formulating a barrier against the external environment. The other participant in Leper Colony failed to acknowledge the actions that ordered the attack until the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Maps Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Maps - Essay Example Due to the different kinds of representations, maps tend to have different messages and interpretations altogether (University of Southern Maine, p 1). Some of the interpretations give insight to areas with cultural, religious, economic, social and even political bearings. This information is important to any traveller or visitor to the area because it paints a picture that would not be easily expressed with words. This information, though essential to the visitors, is also useful to the natives. It helps them know their surroundings. An analysis to any map should be able to the information portrayed by the map. This paper will deal with the analysis of the American map in 1672 and its symbolism to the nation. Analysis of the map of America in 1672 The map under scrutiny here is the American map of 1672 (University of Southern Maine, p 1). This essay aims to critically analyze the underlying information that the map makers were trying to depict. One of the aspects that easily stands out is the presence of ships is various parts of the map. This brings out two aspects that were present at this time. First, is that, one of the most common modes of transportation were ships. The heavy presence of ships around north and South America suggests that there was a lot of movement to neighboring harbors. This also indicates that there was trade between neighboring countries. The heavy presence of ships all around shows that trade was quite prevalent, and this is also shown by the different kinds of ships around, this is could have been used to show other countries vessels. On some parts of the maps, a group of smoking ships are also depicted. This aim to show that these ships were in battle, or they were protecting the harbors from enemies. The smoke indicated the damage that might have been sustained during battle. The ships surround a half-submerged ship, which seems to indicate a fallen enemy vessel. On the bottom left part of the map, the map makers depict a group of Native Americans doing farming. This is an indication of the economic practices that were carried out during those times. Next to the farming there is a group of natives conversing with some merchant. This shows the time that merchants were moving around exploring new lands and looking for new trade relations. The map depicts the natives negotiating with the chief or leader. This depicts that, in this era, the merchants were trying to expand their relations and maybe create new allies for trading or other economics purposes (University of Southern Maine, p 1). This was mostly because there was so much competition between the Dutch and the Americans because of these new trading grounds. On the bottom left side of the map, the map makers show another group of people that are hunting. This also shows another economic practice that was prevalent in the era. The group of people is seen using spears and arrows to kill their prey. To the left of this is a group of other natives that are s hown as talking to a merchant as well, one is carrying a bow and arrow and another is carrying a spear, they are shown as paying keen attention to the merchant. On the bottom left of the map, new animals are also depicted. They represent animals that had been newly domesticated and were helping people with various tasks. The map makers have used a lot of different texture on the map to show the different terrains that were present. The darker textures depict the higher ground on the map, or the highlands. South of south America is particularly dark, and the map makers went an extra mile to show the hills. Apart from the terrain, the map makers have also shown running water bodies within the land. This is represented by rivers and estuaries,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Parents who neglect their children due to methamphetamine addiction Assignment

Parents who neglect their children due to methamphetamine addiction - Assignment Example The new changes in the law clearly show that using or possessing methamphetamine in the presence of a child is child abuse under the abuse and neglect code. In addition, the same law extends to indicate that manufacturing methamphetamine in the presence of a child is felony (Doerner & Lab, 2012). If the mother is petitioned in the new law, it will not serve under the former but it will apply under the latter give that the mother allowed the drug to be manufactured by the boyfriend in the presence of the children and cause bodily harm to the infants. If the boyfriend if proved guilty because of the methamphetamine lab evidence, the mother is likely to bear the same penalties which in my case may be charges for felony. All the children will be withdrawn and placed under foster care (Reardon & Noblet, 2009). As the sole responsible adult to the 2, 5 and 7 year old children, the mother is actually a victim of the case. The mother owes the children a duty to care as a mother hence had the sole responsibility to guard the children against the violent boyfriend after consuming methamphetamine (Doerner & Lab, 2012). Incase the mother is not petitioned, the children according to the law must be kept safe by the department of Health and welfare which is responsible for keeping children safe. The services that the department will offer to the children are designed to assist in children protection while strengthening families to block abuse and neglect (Doerner & Lab, 2012). The department looks into the concerns, notifies the family while assessing the situation and offer services to reduce safety concerns. Among the concerns will be removing the child from the family until it is safe for them to be returned back (Pelton, 2001). According to the US department of Health and Human services, several states define how drug is used,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Anti-globalization movement Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Anti-globalization movement - Case Study Example The term globalisation has come become popular only since the 1980s and since then protest against globalisation started, the term anti-globalisation also became popular at almost the same time. The groups and individuals belonging to "anti-globalization movement" developed in the late twentieth century to resist the globalization of corporate economic activity and the free trade with developing nations that might result from such activity. For instance, these organisations are against the proliferation of multi-national corporations especially in the third world. Technological advances have made it easier and quicker to complete international transactions both trade of goods and financial flows. In other words globalisation refers to an extension beyond national borders of the same market forces that have operated for centuries at all levels of human economic activity-village markets, urban industries, or financial centers. There by turning the world into a global village. However, the opportunities provided by globalisation in real sense in not the same for all the countries and hence it has created an economic imbalance. This has resulted in the emergence of groups protesting against globalisation. ... rge corporations, as exercised in trade agreements and elsewhere, which they say undermines democracy, the environment, labor rights, national sovereignty, the third world, and other concerns (Wikipedia n. pag, 2007). There are several concerns that has been put forth by the anti-globalization movement. The people who oppose globalisation or the anti-globalisation movement argue that globalisation has been the main reason for enhancing poverty and claim that the creation of an unfettered international free market has benefited multinational corporations in the Western world at the expense of local enterprises, local cultures, and common people. Where as proponents of globalisation argue that it allows poor countries to develop economically and raise their standards of living. Hence resistance to globalization has been a result of people and governments trying to manage the flow of capital, labour, goods, and ideas that make up the current wave of globalization (Silicon Valley n.pag). Globalisation has been criticized on many fronts by politicians, members of conservative think tanks, mainstream economists, and other supporters of market-based economic integration. One of the major concern put forth by the anti-globalization movement, is that the major causes of poverty amongst developing and underdeveloped world. For instance, poor farmers in these countries face trade barriers. Besides it hs also been claimed by these groups that unemployment has also increased in third world countries. Another criticism against the movement is that, although it protests about things that are widely recognized as serious problems, such as human rights violations, genocide and global warming, these movements have never tired to solve these porbems. In many instances these

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Capitalism and United States Essay Example for Free

Capitalism and United States Essay There are many aspects of FDR’s New Deal that must be analyzed in order to determine if this collection of economic programs helped or hurt America’s effort in ending the Great Depression. The Great Depression caused both a decline in national moral and economic productivity unprecedented in United States history. The previously prestigious capitalistic economy was brought to its knees on Black Thursday in October of 1929. Roosevelt had taken office with the intent to quickly relieve a nation from Hoover’s â€Å"do-nothing approach† within his first 100 days as president. He knew he had to act fast in order to fulfill the demands of the people that could be, in part, credited because of their investments in the stock market with unstable funds. There was a rebellion in full swing. As recorded in A People’s History of the United States, â€Å"Desperate people were not waiting for the government to help them; they were helping themselves.†After the stock market crashed, the flaws in the capitalist system were more predominantly brought to surface. The system had been given a bad name among a growing socialist nation in times of desperation. To a socialist critic, the system could be depicted as unsound by nature; neglecting human needs in the pursuit of large corporate benefits. The New Deal was set in place to save capitalism from itself. In order to do this Roosevelt felt that passing a number of social programs would keep the market economy from, once again, self destructing. Through his efforts, Roosevelt had consequently formed class warfare. The faces of business leaders had become the faces of bloodthirsty, evil men which appealed largely to an American public looking for someone, something, or anything to blame for the pain they were going through. Finding that happy-medium between relieving the economic crisis of the American people and not giving the public something they could view as a government fall-back was something that the country had never had to deal with before on this large of a scale. Throughout Roosevelt’s implementation of his social programs concerns surfaced from conservative Americans. Roosevelt did not want welfare to be seen as â€Å"a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit.† FDR’s New Deal, under a growingly socialist system, in ways got the country back on its feet and may have been the fix that America was looking for at the time. At the same time; however, it could have been the spark to the gradual lazy, entitled attitude that we experience today in the United States.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Privacy Inthe 21st Century Essay Example for Free

Privacy Inthe 21st Century Essay Privacy is the ability of a person to control the availability of information about and exposure of him or her; it is an individual’s or group’s right to have freedom from unauthorized intrusions (Hacker, 2013). With so many social and media communication outlets, does privacy actually exist in the 21st century? Does the government have the right to dictate what is private or what is public? As Americans in the 21st century, living amidst Facebook, Twitter, internet technology, satellite surveillance, GPS tracking and chips, the lack of privacy regarding the ability to provide acceptable and appropriate protection to individual identity and personal information have risen. Despite advancements in current security configuration, users of these products are still not receiving the privacy they deserve. Some views state that privacy is a right guaranteed to citizens by the United States Privacy Act of 1974, limiting the use of personal data by Federal agencies. Education is a solution to the online social networkers and the dangers behind sharing our personal information with the public. According to Carolan (2012), Americans’ expectations of privacy in the 21st century is to be treated fairly under the right to privacy law; this law is made to protect their personal information such as social security numbers, credit card information, and medical information. Therefore, according the Fourth Amendment, Americans have the right to be protected under the United States Constitution (Zdziarski, 2013). Nonetheless, individuals find themselves in a society where the internet and online communication is taking over how they do business, privacy rights and communication, bringing into question their Fourth Amendment right to protect their privacy. Consequently, individuals have hopes that their rights will be protected under the Fourth Amendment in a day and time where smart phones and social networking are controlling the waves of communication and how Americans conduct day-to-day business (Carolan, 2012). In today’s society of advanced technology, I Phones, tablets, insta-gram, social media, and online networking individuals have become almost totally dependent on these advanced communication technologies. They are constantly plugged-in for the duration of their day, to the point where doctors have come to term the behavior: nomophobia, the anxiety one feels when they do not have access to their cellular telephone; technoholism, an addiction to surfing the internet; and mousewrist, repetitive strain injury caused by excessive use of a computer mouse (Rauhofer, 2008). This drastic change in how individuals communicate with one another has allowed others to have immediate access to vast amounts of personal information about an individual, their activities, opinions and habits which are being generated and stored in the databases for the purposes of selling, distributing and advertising. Database companies provide services to various organizations and companies in hopes of retrieving personal information about the cliental without their approval or knowledge, which is a direct violation of their right to privacy (Rauhofer, 2008). There are several invasions of privacy and communication such as email addresses and information, global positioning satellites (GPS), and loyalty cards. Nonetheless, there are laws in place to combat the invasion of privacy such as the health information portability accountability act (HIPPA). In today’s society email is a fast and convenient way to communicate on the go. There is email at work, on mobile devices and in the home. In an article written by Samoriski And, (1996), questions are still being raised on whether or not the Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986 covers true privacy. Gaps are still present in the current Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA), therefore leaving room for abusive electronic surveillance and monitoring, email and cell phone interception. Therefore, technology is creating new and unforeseen boundaries in the laws of privacy. Public and private privacy is almost nonexistent as it relates to online communication or transactions, and what little is available is being destroyed. For example, the IRS has recently ome under fire for spying on Americans’ email under the guise that using email surrenders one’s expectation of privacy. Emails were not originally designed to be shared or hacked into by individuals that were not authorized to send or receive the particular email; they are private. Nonetheless, it has been known that unauthorized users have invaded personal privacy laws and retrieved individual’s emails and information concerning their private life. Simply because email exists in a public environment does not invalidate one’s expectation of privacy (Zdziarski, 2013). Laws have been established to protect the freedom of speech and print it does not specifically define the domain in which electronic communication occurs, which includes computers, telecommunication, software, data, and electronic networks (Samoriski And, 1996). As technology is transformed, the advancement in options for preventing a person from getting lost and wandering without supervision has assisted care providers in assuring their safety. Medical devices have made it possible for long-term care residents to be easily located. Medical technology has created a device that helps protect Alzheimer’s patients from wandering from the facility without medical personnel. This device is commonly called wanderguard; it will sound an alarm and notify staff that a patient is near the door or has left the building. This is another unique system and advancement in technology that stores an individual’s personal information (N. A, Wandering, 2007). Additionally, the automotive industry has used technology to create a device that allows car owners to simply unlock and lock their car doors when approaching or standing next to the vehicle. The theory is it was a new safety feature that used GPS technology to track missing persons or allow easy and safe entry into the car. Although these methods are aids in locating a lost person, these devices contain specific private information that provides personal information and their identity (N. A. , Wandering, 2007). Even though these devices have medical and safety benefits, it is another unique system which shows diminished privacy. Computer technology has advanced to the point of 1) storing bits of information about individuals over long periods of time, 2) separate databases of information that may contain pictures, tracing an individual’s physical location without their knowledge and increasing the power to use during surveillance situations. For example, social and professional networking cites, global positioning tracking systems are all used to provide information on individuals and their whereabouts. Many people voluntarily provided specific information without knowing or understanding that they are giving out private information concerning themselves, family and friends. Computers have the ability to be tracked and computer hackers can break security codes and gain access to private and secret information that one may store on their computer’s hard drive (Rauhofer, 2008). Ever been to a grocery store, pharmacy chain or a retail outlet and upon completing the purchase transaction the question is posed â€Å"do you have your loyalty/bonus card? Many people are not aware that reward, bonus and discount cards are an intrusion of one’s privacy. These ‘rewards cards’ and ‘points cards’ have encrypted information on them about the individual card holder (Albrecht, n. d. ). Abuse of information is likely. According to Elgin Community Reward (2013) more than 60% of U. S. households said that loyalty card programs were important in their shopping d ecisions, but they did not know companies were using them and their information to increase sales and revenue. These cards are structured for marketing to encourage, reward and reveal the loyal buying behavior to the store of the card holder. These cards looks like credit cards and/or have smaller versions to attach to key fobs. They contain pertinent information which the customer has furnished through the application process to identify types of merchandise purchased, the likes and dislikes of the consumer. While the Fourth Amendment protects people against unreasonable searches and seizures of government officials, The Health Information Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA) attempts to protect individual private medical information and ensure that it will remain safe and secure in storage or transit via the internet (Malcolm, 2005). According to Malcolm (2005) as technology moves into the twenty-second century and the distribution of information widens via the internet individuals information is going to become less private and more apt to become public (Malcolm, 2005). HIPAA of 1996 provides legal protection for a patient’s medical records and ways to file complaints. It is normally one of the first documents given to a patient completing paperwork. In a society where technology is the way of communication, doing business and functioning on a daily basis, privacy is not in the front of he technology movement. As Americans in the 21st century living amidst social webbing, internet technology, electronic communication, GPS tracking and laws of privacy, many issues still surface regarding the ability to provide acceptable and appropriate privacy. Despite technology advancements and current security configurations, online users still feel their personal data and privacy is vanishing. Privacy in the 21st Cent ury is possible with the advancement of technology but at the hands of those who created technology for the consumer. Privacy has taken a new meaning and redrawn the boundaries of the right to privacy from where they have been traditionally outlined. Politicians have helped reshaped society rather than society itself. Zdziarski (2013) suggest that when politicians and lawyers begin to control how society views privacy, it can only lead down the path to an unavoidable authoritarian government, with surveillance, constant monitoring and the mindset that Big Brother is always watching. Many Americans cherish their privacy, and it is essential to a free country, so much that the framers of our Constitution made it an exclusive item in our Bill of Rights (Zdziarski, 2013). Individuals’ right to privacy should be protected. They have the right to use computers, email, social cites and handle day-to-day business without the fear of their privacy being invaded. As a country that holds democracy in high esteem, individuals cannot survive without any of their constitutional rights or freedoms: free speech, the right to keep and bear arms, or the right to protect ourselves from an overstepping government. Privacy was never meant to be taken for granted and it was not meant to be taken away from Americans. In conclusion, privacy is almost impossible in the 21st century. Entities like credit reporting agencies, the internet, debt collectors, human services departments has given so many companies and individuals’ access to others’ information without questioning why it is being obtained or the purpose of housing one’s personal and private information. Although computers, organizations and companies have passwords and protective policies in place to discourage and keep one’s personal information protected, a lot of Americans are finding out that their personal information, bank and credit accounts are being sold from one company to another, to obtain intelligent about who you are and your interests. In doing this, companies use this approach to deliver personal advertisement to you of offers, goods and services directly connected to your happiness. Payments are other common reasons for information being sold.

The Informal And Formal Carers Health And Social Care Essay

The Informal And Formal Carers Health And Social Care Essay Caring means looking after someone who is old, young or ill. The degree of care differs depending on whether one is young, old or ill but also depends on the individual and his or her requirements. The type of care given may include direct service provision, financial assistance, bureaucratic mediation and emotional support. The difference between Informal and formal care is distinguished by how the above acts of care occur. Informal care is usually voluntary and is offered by the family, neighbors or friends. The carer may be living with the care receiver and hence providing care 24 hours. It can also occur from outside the house hold whereby the carer lives outside the house hold and comes to visit the care-receiver often and complete the tasks assigned like cooking and other house work chores. The informal carers do not receive any financial payments from the care they give and hence are believed to have some kind of employment apart from their caring duties, either part time, ful l time or self employed. It involves support, social interaction and protective supervision. Formal carers act in an agency-client relationship and are paid for the services rendered. They are usually trained and there is an assessment procedure that determines the kind and amount of care that the client will receive from the carer. This is the prime difference between informal and formal care. There is a great need of incorporating informal and formal sectors in the future. This need has been brought about by the fact that studies have shown that informal carers provide 77% of all the care that has enabled people with disabilities and the old to remain at home. (Bittman et al, 2007). Impact of partnership Partnership between the informal and formal carer can occur whereby the home aides provide physical care like dressing, feeding, bathing and taking to the toilet the older people and a visiting nurse from a Medicare-funded home provide medically oriented care. These nurses may also be involved in other activities like teaching the family members on ways of providing the same treatment and care. The Family members may then be involved ion giving oral medicines and injections and caring for the wounds in between the nurse visits. Also the therapists either physical or speech therapists initiate rehabilitation programs for the care receiver and consequently teach the family members how to implement and provide it to the care receiver. Very few studies have been carried out to determine the effects of health of both types of care. Informal care has been examined on the basis of social, psychological and economic effects on the old people and on the family members giving the care. In essence it has been difficult to prove that formal home care services improve the functional status of the people who receive it But there have been recent studies which have shown that informal care given in the household improves the functional status for those being given the care The study carried out was meant to examine the functional status outcomes for care receivers discharged from the hospital with Medicare home healthcare and those discharged without Medicare home healthcare. The study showed that there is an overall deterioration six weeks later between those patients with Medicare home health care and those without. Other studies have shown that patients in fee-for service plans received more home healthcare and had more fu nctional status outcomes than the Medicare patients in HMOs. The conclusion that was suggested was that the higher intensity of home healthcare that those in fee-for -service plans received was what caused the good functional outcome. Nursing services compared to those services given by the home health aides and homemakers are more likely to reduce the likelihood of one being admitted to a nursing home. This therefore reflects nursing as an intensive intervention compared to other services. Caring and Mental health well being to Children Caring is very important and influential in the psychological development of a person. This occurs especially to newborn. Research has shown that major brain development in a child occurs in the first three years of the Childs life. In this period, there is formation of neural networks and hence a one year old child has the maximum number of brain cells that the brain can ever have in the life time of a human being. Hence there is need of caring for the infants to enable maximum and positive development of the brain. A child brain is very sensitive and is influenced by sensory stimulations e.g. listening to conversations, watching, colors, and emotional stimulation e.g. hugging. These factors can change the development of the childs brain. It is therefore important for the adult carers to stimulate the brains of the infant in various playful ways in order to bring the maximum physiological, emotional, social and mental development of the brain of the infant. By having a playful metho d of teaching, the child has a chance of discovering his or her own strengths, the body and the environment. It is imperative for the carer to allow the child to experience by experimenting. This is because lack of playful teaching methods may prevent creativity and the healthy development of the child. The carer should ensure that he or she does not use the instructional teaching method to the young child. This is the kind of method whereby the child is directed or instructed to do things. This method usually makes the child lack self confidence and he may become less clever. This is because the child may take him or herself as incapable, foolish and stupid and will always require the instructional carer to teach him or her all the time. But when the child is allowed by the carer to do and learn things by experiencing, he or she develops a heart full of self confident and he also becomes very knowledgeable. The carer should be one that encourages the child to participate in various activities that will help in the development of childs motor skills and body awareness. These activities may include those that aim at helping the child walk, climb, kick, jump, climb and catch. By doing this the child will have developed better and higher control of the smaller body muscles that coordinate finer movements. Also the carer should encourage the child to participate in other mind involving activities like sketching, painting, sculpting etc The carer should also allow for free reign to fantasy and wild imagination in order to encourage the development of the mind in terms of innovation and creativity. The carer should allow the child to make his or her own story that best suits their personal desires and they should avoid putting more pressure on the child to win any competition or contest. The carer should also not judge the child harshly as this may lead to low self esteem in the child. The child should also be given a chance to narrate his or her own story by the carer. In doing this, the child will be learning creative arts and will also learn how to express him or her self. He or she will also be developing courage of speaking to people. This will also build the confidence level of the child (Simi A., 2010). Caring and Mental health well being of the old The old are very prone to diseases like Schizophrenia. The characteristics of this disease may lead to increased mortality rates and high rates of other medical complications like respiratory and circulatory diseases. There is need to care for the old people because schizophrenia if accompanied with undiagnosed illnesses, lack of access to adequate medical care can lead to inadequate adherence to therapy. Caring for the mentally ill. Caring is important for the mentally sick. There are two kinds of treatment to mental Somatic and psychotherapeutic. Somatic treatment involves the drug and electroconvulsive therapy while psychotherapeutic. Include the treatment that is offered by an individual, a group or a family member. This is the kind of treatment that involves the carer. The carer has the responsibility of ensuring that the sick person gets well through offering him or her Psychotherapy. This is refereed to as talk therapy in that the cure of the person lies within himself. In such a case the carer has the key to the persons health and well being. This is because the cure for such a person can only be facilitated through creating an emphatic and acceptable atmosphere and through this the carer can help the person identify the source of the problem and can now consider the alternatives of dealing with them. The insight and emotional awareness that is gained through the carers talk therapy can lead to the change in attitude and behavior of the person and this can help the person to live a healthier, long and more satisfying life. The carer has a responsibility of creating a relationship that is empathetic and supportive between the care receiver and him or her. This relationship can lead to more open and courageous expression of feelings and hence the carer can be able to help the sick person to healthy living. The relationship that the carer establishes with the sick person is the key to the recovery. Curing of mental illnesses. There are a number of methods that are used to cure mental illness and these include methods like Drug and Electroconvulsive Therapy. There are a number of drugs as well that are used and they are highly effective in treating mental illnesses. These drugs are often prescribed and they are usually categorized in accordance to the disorder e.g. for depression, antidepressants are used. Electroconvulsive therapy is whereby electrodes are used and these are attached to the head and the sick person is sedated. Electrical shocks are delivered into the brain and this induces a brief seizure. This method has been proved the best for treatment of severe depression. After this exposure, the patient usually experiences a temporary memory loss but the method is safe and does not cause other side effects or complications (Carney, 2007). Conclusion Caring is a very important aspect in our society. This is because a lot of people are getting old while others are being born and hence these two groups of people need care. Both informal and formal caring should be partnered to ensure effective service delivery to the patients. The use of psychotherapy is common even to people who do not suffer from mental illnesses. It has been used in a number of conditions even top those people who do not suffer from mental conditions. It has been found to be useful in helping people cope with problems of unemployment, bereavement, marriage problems and chronic illnesses. Both psychotherapy and drug therapy should be used for the treatment of mental illnesses as no one method is effective on its own.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Comparing Success in Horatio Algers Ragged Dick and the Life of Colin

Success in Horatio Alger's Ragged Dick and the Life of Colin Powell What does success mean to you? I think the idea of success is affected by the social system. In America and Hong Kong, which are capitalistic societies affected by the American Dream, success means money and fame. In other societies, success might have different meanings. Some people said money and fame is the true meaning of success, but I think that the true meaning of success is to follow the interest of your own and being good at it, but not money and fame. Overemphasizing on these two factors can only lead to negative effects. Therefore I think the definition of success in capitalistic countries should not be focused on money and fame, because it restricts people from following their real dreams. The idea of success in the capitalistic countries is mainly about money and fame. Capitalism, the social system of America, is based on the principle of individual rights, which is that everyone has the rights to do whatever they want without violating the law. Capitalism has an idea that the individual is sovereign. Therefore a man's thinking determines his choices and actions, and each man is the master of his own destiny. Every man in the capitalist society has the freedom of action, and those actions are necessary to support his own life. The capitalistic idea contributes to the formation of the idea of success because as each person has individual rights, everybody has the right and freedom to own their own wealth. Which is very different from socialism, in socialistic society, the people have to share their wealth with the government. As wealth can be own, people who have more wealth seem to be more successful, money becomes the main aspect of success... ... in the other hand, I think if people reach their goal for money and fame, the real dreams already changed. Overemphasizing on money and fame in success restricts people to follow their real dreams, and also give negative effects to the society. I believe that many people, like me, already changed their goals, and would regret for the rest of their life. Therefore, I do not think people should be fixed because of some social ideas, but should fight against these wrong, fixed ideas. Works Consulted Alger, Horatio. "Ragged Dick." Rereading America. 5th ed. Eds. Cary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle. Boston : Bedford/St. Martin's, 2001. 298-304 Blue, Rose and Naden, Corinne J. "From Colin Powell: Straight to the Top." Rereading America. 5th ed. Eds. Cary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle. Boston : Bedford/St. Martin's, 2001. 298-304

Monday, August 19, 2019

Lakatos and MacIntyre on Incommensurability and the Rationality of Theory-change :: Science Scientific Philosophy Essays

Lakatos and MacIntyre on Incommensurability and the Rationality of Theory-change ABSTRACT: Imre Lakatos' "methodology of scientific research programs" and Alasdair MacIntyre's "tradition-constituted enquiry" are two sustained attempts to overcome the assumptions of logical empiricism, while saving the appearance that theory-change is rational. The key difference between them is their antithetical stand on the issue of incommensurability between large-scale theories. This divergence generates other areas of disagreement; the most important are the relevance of the historical record and the presence of decision criteria that are common to rival programs. I show that Lakatos' rejection of the incommensurability thesis and dismissal of actual history are motivated by the belief that neither are compatible with the rationality of theory-change. If MacIntyre can deny the necessity of dispensing with the historical record, and show that incommensurability and the consequent absence of shared decision criteria are compatible with rationality in theory-change, then Lakato s' argument will lose its force, and MacIntyre will better honor the intention to take seriously the historicality of science. I argue that MacIntyre can dissolve tensions between incommensurability and rationality in theory-change if he is able, first, to distinguish a sense of the incommensurability thesis that preserves genuine rivalry between theories, and second, to show that the possibility of rationality in theory-change depends not on the presence of common decision criteria, but on the fact that traditions can fail by their own standards. After reconstructing and examining the argument, I conclude that the notion of a tradition's "internal failure" is coherent, but that it leaves crucial questions about the epistemology and ontology of traditions that must be answered if MacIntyre's proposal is to constitute a genuine improvement on Lakatos. Although he is not primarily a philosopher of science, Alasdair MacIntyre has drawn on post-Kuhnian methodological reflection in his formulation of an historicist theory of knowledge (1984a: 271) or what his more recent work terms tradition-constituted inquiry (1988: 354). In many respects, MacIntyres traditions are similar to the research programs described in the work of Imre Lakatos (1977). Both thinkers propose a shift in focus from atomic propositions to some type of holism by making an entire theory, or series of theories, the proper object of evaluation. Each argues that the issues investigated by participants in research traditions are not timeless questions, but are crucially shaped by their own problematics. Without devaluing consistency and logical rigor, each supposes that incoherence of a certain sort is the motor of intellectual progress.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Search for Identity in Judith Guests Ordinary People :: Judith Guest Ordinary People Essays

Search for Identity in Ordinary People When we are young, we live life by the day. In our preteen and teenage years, the process of self discovery begins. For some people, this could take years. For others, it could happen within a week. No matter how people discover themselves, who they really are, and what they stand behind, everybody goes through it. Especially the characters in the book Ordinary People by Judith Guest. As they struggle through death, guilt, and a lack of understanding; Calvin, Beth and Conrad eventually discover their true identities. While dealing with their first major struggle; death, Calvin, Conrad's father, Beth, Conrad's mother, and Conrad begin their road to self discovery. They all deal with Conrad's suicide attempt in different ways. Calvin is the most concerned person about Conrad. "How's going it going? School. Swimming. Everything okay?" "Yeah, fine. Same as yesterday." "What does that mean?" A faint smile. "It means you ask me that every day." "Sorry." He smiles, too. "I like things neat." (11) Calvin is very concerned about Conrad's well-being after his suicide attempt. Every move or motion Conrad makes, Calvin is there to question it or question Conrad's health. Conrad on the other hand, is focusing on recovering from the incident. He is mainly focused on recovering from the mental damage he has caused himself and trying to begin his new life. "But he cannot relax, because today is a Target Date. Tuesday, September 30. One month, to the day, that he has been home. And what are you doing Jarrett? Asking weird questions like From what? Toward what? Questions without answers. Undermining. A serious affliction" (4). After coming out of the hospital, Conrad is forced to relearn how to deal with every day situations. Learning how to establish routines and manage his own life is Conrad's first step on his way to recovery and self-discovery. Beth deals with Conrad's suicide attempt in a very different way, she is very enclosed and in a constant state of denial. This is just the first of many actions until she reveals her true colors. "Will you talk to him this morning? About the clothes. He's got a closet full of decent things and he goes off every day looking like a bum, Cal" (7).

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Parents Importance to A Childs Life

Parents play a very important role in the lives of their children. They have to build a solid foundation for their kids in order for them to have a successful and rewarding life. The foundation needs to be built at an early age, and needs to keep being built throughout the child†s early adolescence. The foundation of an individual can be broken down into several different parts, such as morals, religious beliefs, political standpoints, and education, to name a few. Morals are probably the most import part in an individual†s life. They define right from wrong and good from bad. Crime is often times attributed to the lack of morals that a person has. Criminals are, in many cases, results of broken homes or families, where morals where not properly taught by the parents. When this particular part of the foundation is missing, a person can become corrupt. The parents really need to focus in on teaching their children morals, because it will shape the character of the individual and help him to become a better person. These morals will help guide the child throughout their lifetime. The crime rate would be considerably lower in the world if this crucial piece of the foundation is properly assembled. Parents can also influence the religious beliefs of the child. This is also another very important thing for a child to understand and learn. Religion may give the child someone or something to pray to when in a time of need. It also will give the child a sense of hope and faith. Without hope and faith, the child may find himself to be lost and confused, and religion will hopefully shed light on the right path and help to make better life decisions. Political standpoints are often times influenced by the child†s parents. For example, if both parents are democrats, there is a likely chance that when the child grows old enough to vote and participate in the political aspects of his country, that he will become a democratic voter. This is more of an example of an influence that parents have on their children. Early childhood education is an excellent opportunity for the child to build his character and present himself as an intelligent person. Knowledge will help the child in the future in many ways, including job interviews. When applying for a job, the employer can usually tell if the person has been well educated and has a good personality; this early education will really help the child to shine in the work force and give him an upper-hand on another person who may have received less education. A solid and strong foundation is such an important part of and individual. If a person was brought up under good conditions and taught manners and morals, then he will grow to be a well-respected gentleman. The life he will lead will be much more enjoyable and successful if the parents do their part in helping him build this foundation to success.(506)